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Bodies in trouble

17th and 18th December 2018/ ongoing project 


After juxtaposing small dances with John Zorn in 2014 we have met to dance this time with girls outsiders, weirdos, girls who wear the aluminum hats, girls making long tones and winning beauty contests whispering we failed because of an intellectual error.

We are touching the folds of the slightly torn hoodie. Moon cup on the floor was torn by the cat. Her tail. Her nipple. Her head. Poor and obscure. This is becoming very personal. The sperm taste the best after eating a pineapple whereas the crisps taste the best while having a period. We failed. Bloody moments.

Predstavenie je súčasťou projektu Berghain duets. (Berghain ako metafora útočiska, bunkru, rajskej záhrady alebo bájneho miesta, ktoré vytvára zázemie a oporu pre všetkých ľudí bez rozdielu pohlavia, vierovyznania, spoločenského statusu,... )

concept/ performance: Zuzana Žabková, Eva Priečková

Light design: Jozef Čabo

Production: Ivo Dobrovodský
with support: Nik Timková
special thanks: Komařice, Jakub Juhás, Visegrad fund, Fond na Podporu umenia, Festival Hybaj Ho, Fuga

Performance is part of the project Berghain duets. (Berghain as a metaphore of shelter, paradise garden or
a mythical place that creates support for everybody without distinction of gender, religion, social status,..)

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