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Diaries of touch: 25th 26th August 2020


A sport hall is a place of discipline. Discipline creates beautiful shapes. What if in our

primary schools we practiced the discipline of sensitivity?

Imagine a group of 8 young people standing around you in a sport hall, dressed

uniform-like, close to each other, but not yet touching, who are to build together

something unseen.

They are singing an ode to softness. Their touch will be folded into a choreography

made by a touch of duration and frequency, surface and depth, volume and weight,

light and shadow. In (our use of) language, there are only few words for describing

touch and even less for describing experience of being touched, so they will invent

new signs to describe their experiences. Rather then through seeing this image, you

can allow yourself to be affected viscerally and stay with this way of engagement

with your surrounding.

Performers: mimoOs & ZDRUHESTRANY, Lukáš Bobalik, Viktor Černický, Barbora Janáková, Tomáš Janypka, Jazmina Piktorová, Eva Priečková, Silvia Sviteková, Andrej Štepita
Choreography: Sonja Pregrad
Light Design: Martin Polák
Music: Nika Pećarina
Set design: Dana Tomečková
Production: mimoOs – Barbora Janáková, ZDRUHESTRANY – Tomáš Janypka
Supported using public funding by Slovak Arts Council
Rezidency: Stanica Žilina-Záriečie 
Partners : Bratislavský samosprávny kraj, Nová Cvernovka, Nu DanceFest

foto: Nina Pacherová

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